ReSource Marine™
Who We Are
ReSource Marine is the dedicated chartering division of MacroSource, LLC with offices in Ronkonkoma (Long Island), New York, just a short distance from Manhattan. With over 50 years of combined voyage chartering experience , ReSource Marine is ready to handle all aspects of your bulk liquid and dry voyage chartering needs.
What We Do
ReSource Marine is a full-service vessel chartering desk. Through long-standing relationships with numerous first-class owners worldwide, we service all aspects of the voyage charter from start to finish. Our services include freight indications, full charter party negotiations, invoicing of freight, liaison with vessel agents, resolution of documentation issues, laytime calculations through final settlement of accounts.
Our in-house volumes, your competitive advantage
MacroSource is one of the largest international charterers of dry and liquid bulk fertilizer freight. Our multi-decade reputation and financial position is a benefit when entering the freight market on behalf of 3rd parties. Similarly, some charterers use our services to preserve confidentiality in the marketplace. Other charterers use our services to capitalize on synergies with our fertilizer shipping routes for front haul / back haul freight advantages. Whatever your need, ReSource Marine will work hard to deliver an unparalleled competitive advantage for your company.
Products handled:
Dry fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, grain and other bulk commodities
For more information and our fee structure, please contact:
Jim Vlachos
Director of Vessel Chartering & Brokerage
Having sailed as a 3rd Mate on ocean going vessels, Jim Vlachos was recently the President of Bulkchem Chartering NY with over 30 years of experience in chartering before joining MacroSource. Jim is a member of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators
Sean Mullahey
Operations Manager
Sean Mullahey has over 20 years of experience in voyage chartering operations with Bulkchem Chartering NY before joining MacroSource.